Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Assistant Professor |
August, 2022 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
March, 2017 |
July,2019 |
Vaagdevi Engg. College, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
December, 2016 |
February, 2017 |
Aurora Engineering College, Bhonagiri |
Assistant Professor |
July, 2011 |
November, 2016 |
SR Engineering College, Warangal |
Assistant Professor |
July, 2009 |
June, 2011 |
Aurora Technological and Research Institute, Hyderabad |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
”Hybrid Digital Certificate Management System
With QR Code and IoT Integrated on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain”, Vol 1, Issue 1, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, Apr-Jun 2024 |
2 |
“A Novel Consensus algorithm for Blockchain-based Personal Health Care Management”, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11343 - 11348, 2020 |
3. |
“Invariant Character View Recognition in Artificial Neural Networks based on Pattern Classification”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (GJCSIT), Vol. 1 (1), 2014, 33-37 |
4. |
"ALMP Routing in Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012, ISSN Online: 22772677 |
5. |
“A Dual Framework for TargatedOnine Data Delivery Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,Vol 5(2), 2014,1796-1799 |
S.No |
Details |
1. |
D.Naveen Kumar, Dr. K.Radhika,” A Blockchain Based Decentralized Certificate Management System Using Hyperledger Fabric”, International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (Springer Conf), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-27524-1_45, pp 474-484, March 2023 |
2. |
D.Naveen kumar, Dr. K.Radhika,” A framework to manage smart educational certificates and thwart forgery on a permissioned blockchain”, materials today: proceedings(elsevier conference), accepted 24 january 2021 |
3. |
D.Naveen kumar, Dr. K.Radhika,” A novel consensus algorithm for blockchain-based personal health care management”, Test engineering and management, page no. 11343 – 11348, ISSN: 0193-4120, volume 83, May – June, 2020 |
4. |
“Semantic Ranking Approach For Web Search Engines ”, International Conference On Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Life time member in Indian society of technical education (MISTE) |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
C Programming |
I Sem, I Yr, CSE & CE |
Data Structures using C |
II Sem, I Yr, CSE-2 |
Cryptography and Network security |
III Sem, II Yr |
Blockchain Technologies |
I Sem, I Yr, |
Blockchain Technologies |
VIII Sem, IV Yr, CSE |
Cyber security and Digital forensics |
VI sem, III Yr, CSE |
Entrepreneurship Development |
VI sem, III Yr, CSE |
Postgraduate Level |
Management of Information Technology |
I Sem, I Yr, MBA |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1. |
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Block Chain Technologies” |
2-Weeks 17th -28th June,2019 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Warangal |
2. |
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Security and Privacy” |
1-Week 3rd -8th Dec ,201 |
Department of CSE, NIT , Warangal |
3. |
World Blockchain Hackathon |
1.09.2018 |
4. |
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Soft Computing” |
1-Week 19th -24th June , 2017 |
5. |
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Outcomes based engineering education for enhanced employability” |
6.10.2013 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Warangal |
6. |
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Computer Programming & Data Structures” sponsored by APSCHE& JNTUH |
1-Week 25th 31stJuly , 2012 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Warangal |
7. |
Two day workshop on “Weka – A Datamining Tool” |
29th -30th June , 2012 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Warangal |
8. |
Two day workshop on “Cloud Computing Landscape” |
28th -29th Dec , 2011 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Warangal |
9. |
One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) “Mission 10X” sponsored by WIPRO |
12th -16th Dec , 2011 |
Department of CSE, S R Engineering College, Waranga |
10. |
One Week workshop on“Advances in Computer Vision: From Foundations To Applications” |
1-Week 25th -29th July , 2011 |
Vignan University, Vadlamudi, Guntur |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1. |
“Semantic Ranking Approach For Web Search Engines ” |
International Conference On Systemics |
Cybernetics and Informatics |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
1 |
Resource person for 2 days FDP Titled “Blockchain Technology - The Disruptive Technology for Good Governance” at Vaageshwari College of Engineering, Karimnagar
2 |
Resourse person for a webinar on "Blockchain and its Real Time Applications", 23 Dec,2020 at Sreenidhi Institute Science and Technology, Hyderabad |
3 |
Resourse person for a 3 hours session on Sumshodhini workshop on dec 11, 2020 and received very good feedback from each of the student. Total 110 students attended
the workshop. Provided and guided other resourse person from industry, Mr.Karthikey kashyap for the presentation session. Given inputs to handle the first year
students. |
4 |
Resourse person for AICTE sponsored one-week Phase 3 STTP on "Cyber Security & Blockchain Technologies", 14 -19 December, 2020 at GURU NANAK TECH CAMPUS |
5 |
Resourse person for AICTE sponsored one-week Phase 2 STTP on "Cyber Security & Blockchain Technologies", 16 -21 November, 2020 at GURU NANAK TECH CAMPUS |
6 |
Resourse person for AICTE sponsored one-week Phase 1 STTP on "Cyber Security & Blockchain Technologies", 26 -31 October, 2020 at GURU NANAK TECH CAMPUS |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Completed 12 Weeks SWAYAM-NPTEL online course titled "Blockchain" with (Top 5%), April, 2020. |