Details | FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Assistant Professor |
July, 2006 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
Dr. D. Suresh Babu, B. Srinivas, G. Sridhar and B. Raju,” Web Mining: A Basic Key to Enrich the Business on Web.”, Global Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Volume 2, November 1 2012, ISSN 2249-0000. |
2 |
NikhilaYelugam ,B Raghuram ,G Sridhar "A SEQUENTIAL RANKING APPROACH FOR IMPROVING RECOMMENDATION DIVERSITY", in International Journal of Engineering and Science (THE IJES), Volume 2, Issue 10, Pages 12-16, 2013, ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805. |
3 |
Y.Naveen and G.Sridhar, "Efficient Error Estimating Coding Using OTP Algorithm & GDS Scheme" in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X. |
4 |
M. Dheeraj and G.Sridhar, "Encrypted and Consistent Data Transmission in Dynamic MANET’s" in International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X |
5 |
M.Priyanka and G.Sridhar,” Network Data Aggregators for Continuous Aggregation Queries by Query Planning” in International Journal of Computer Science Information and Engineering Technology, VOLUME3-ISSUE4-SERIES2, 1-9, 01-10-2014, 008, ISSN 2277-4408. |
6 |
Sumera Zeenath and G.Sridhar,”Security and Privacy Assured Relational Database Scheme” in International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04, Issue.34, August-2015, Pages: 6838-6840. |
7 |
Sridhar Gujjeti & Dr. Suresh Pabboju, "A Novel Parallel Implementation of the CARE Algorithm to Demonstrate the Performance Benefits on Big Patient Data” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR), VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2 , APRIL – JUNE 2018 E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138, Pages: 1014-1021. |
8 |
Sridhar Gujjeti & Dr. Suresh Pabboju,” A Review on Big Data Application in Health Care” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 , JAN – FEB 2018, E-ISSN 2395–602X, PRINT ISSN 2395-6011, Pages: 1231-1238. |
9 |
G.Sridhar, V.Rahul, Dr. V.Chandra Shekhar Rao, ”Developing Machine Learning Techniques for Diseases Prediction in Big Data” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), VOLUME 29, ISSUE 6, 2020, ISSN 2005–4238, Pages: 4094-4100. |
10 |
S. Sruthi, Dr. V.Chandra Shekhar Rao, G.Sridhar, S. Venkatramulu,” IDENTIFICATION OF SPAMMERS ON TWITTER USING MODIFIED RANDOM FOREST CLASSIFIER” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), VOLUME 29, ISSUE 5, 2020, ISSN 2005–4238, Pages: 10574-10582. |
11 |
Dr. T Sunil Kumar, Gujjeti Sridhar, Dr. D Manju, P Subhash, Gujjeti Nagaraju, “Breast Cancer Classification and Predicting Class Labels Using ResNet50”, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2023),, January 2024 |
12 |
Sridhar Gujjeti, Sriram M, Ganesan V,”OPTIMIZED BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION FOR HIGHPERFORMANCE VIDEO TEXT DETECTION”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,ISSN:1992-8645,Vol.102. No 7 April 2024 |
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1 |
Sridhar Gujjeti, Sriram M, Ganesan V,”A Systematic Investigation on Different Scene Text Detection and Recognition Method using Deep Learning Techniques”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, IITCEE 2024, 24 - 25 January 2024 |
2 |
Sridhar Gujjeti, Sriram M, Ganesan V,”Scene Text Detection with Big Bang Crunch Optimized Deep Learning”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications ICMNWC 2023, 04th -05th December 2023 |
3 |
Sridhar Gujjeti, Suresh Pabboju, “Optimized Neural Network for Big data Classification using MapReduce Approach”, 6th International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology, ICCET 2021, 30th - 31st January 2021 |
4 |
Sridhar Gujjeti, Suresh Pabboju, “ Rider-Deep belief Network-based MapReduce framework for big data classification”, 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS (SCI-2020), 9th - 10th October, 2020, Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad, India. |
5 |
SARA JAFAR, SRIDHAR GUJJETI, SHANKAR VUPPU, “ A PREDICTION OF MALARIA ABUNDANCE USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS”, Online International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Information Technology (ICRIEIT-2021), 26th -27th July 2021, organized by Department of Information Technology, St. Martin’s Engineering college. |
6 |
Raghuram B, Krishnarao S V, Sridhar G, “Distributed Multi Agent Driven Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender Systems,” in Proc. of 1st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology(ICARET), 2012, KL University, Vijayawada, during 08-09 February, 2013, Page(s): 361-364 (DOI: 03.AETS.2013.2.76) |
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Details |
1 |
Member – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE- LM 88276) |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Theory of Computation |
I Sem, III/IV, CSE |
Operating Systems |
IV Sem, II Yr, CSE-1 |
Language Processors |
Operating Systems |
II Sem, I Yr, CSE-1 |
Programming Concepts & Information Technology |
I Year, B.Tech. |
Data Structures |
II Sem, II/IV, CSE |
JAVA Programming |
I Sem, III/IV, CSE |
Unix Network Programming |
II Sem, IV/IV, CSE |
Artificial Intelligence |
I Sem, IV/IV, CSE |
Advanced Database Management Systems |
I Sem, IV/IV, CSE |
Big Data Management |
Postgraduate Level |
-- Nil -- |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
A Four Week FDP on "The Joy of computing Using Python" |
July-October, 2024. |
Organized by NPTEL-SWAYAM-AICTE, funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India |
2 |
A Four Week FDP on "Programming in JAVA" |
July-October, 2023. |
Organized by NPTEL-SWAYAM-AICTE, funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India |
3 |
Participated in a 40-hour online Faculty Development Programme on "Artificial Intelligence and its Applications" |
18th July to 29th July 2022. |
Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) GoI, organised by E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal and Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal District |
4 |
Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online elementary One Week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionizing Healthcare” |
5th - 9th July 2021 |
centre for electronic governance |
5 |
Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online elementary One Week FDP on “Data Analytics” |
5th - 9th July 2021 |
centre for electronic governance |
6 |
22nd - 29th July 2020 - |
organized by Department of CSE, KITSW in association with KITSW |
7 |
A one week FDP on Blockchain Architecture, Ethereum and Hyperledger (BAEH) |
8th - 12th July 2020 |
organized by Department of CSE, KITSW" |
8 |
A one week FDP on Internet of Things (IoT) |
7th - 11th December 2020 |
sridevi womens engineering college |
9 |
A one week FDP on Computer Science & Biology |
25th - 29th January 2021 |
organized by Department of CSE, KITSW |
10 |
Two Week FDP on "Problem Solving Through Programming in C" |
July-October, 2019. |
Organized by NPTEL-SWAYAM-AICTE, funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India |
11 |
11-22 November , 2019. |
organized by Department of CSE, KITS Warangal |
12 |
Three Day National Level Workshop on "Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence” |
20-22 February, 2020. |
organized by Department of CSE, KITS Warangal |
13 |
21st & 22nd DEC-2018. |
Dept. of IT, KITSW, in association with TCS-HYD under its academic interface program during |
14 |
Two weeks MOOC-FDP on “Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation” |
2019 Jan-June |
SWAYAM-NPTEL-AICTE, funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India |
15 |
One week Induction/Refresher program on “Big Data Analytics using R-Tools” |
02-07 July 2018 |
Department of CSE, KITS- Warangal. Sponsored by AICTE and ISTE |
16 |
Attended one week FDP on "Soft Computing" |
19th -24th, June 2017 |
Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal. |
17 |
Attended one week FDP on "Software Project Management" |
2nd to 7th June, 2017 |
Electronics and ICT academy supported by Electronics and Information Technology,Ministry of Communication and Information Technology,Govt.of India,NIT-Warangal. |
18 |
Attended a 5 day Faculty Enablement Programme on "Programming with PL/SQL” |
18th -22nd July 2016 |
In Association with Oracle Academy, TASK at KITS, Warangal. |
19 |
Attended a 2 week Faculty Enablement Programme on "Object Oriented Analysis & Design” |
20th may-31st may 2016 |
Electronics and ICT academy supported by Electronics and information technology,Ministry of Communication and Information Technology,Govt.of India,NIT-Warangal. |
20 |
Attended a 5 day Faculty Enablement Programme on "Database Design and Programming with SQL” |
12th-16th June 2015 |
Conducted by ORACLE ACADEMY at CJIT, Janagaon, Warangal. |
21 |
Attended a 2 day Faculty Enablement Programme on “Social Network Analysis” |
30th -31st January,2015 |
Dept.of IT in collaboration with TCS,Hyderabad at KITS –WARANGAL. |
22 |
Attended a 2 day Workshop on “Effective Functioning of an Autonomous Institution” |
17th -18th January,2015 |
Organized by ETC, KITS, Warangal. |
23 |
Attended a Seminar on “Responsibility of Youth in Implementing Technology for Better Society” |
13th December,2014 |
ISTE, KITS, Warangal. |
24 |
Attended a Seminar on “Teacher’s Role in an Autonomous Institution” |
29th November 2014 |
ETC, KITS, Warangal. |
25 |
Benificial Applications of Ionizing Radiation |
8th -9th February,2014 |
R & D Cell, KITSW in association with IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India. |
26 |
Attended a 5 day Faculty Enablement Programme on "Java Fundementals and Java Programming" |
25th - 29th, October, 2013 |
Oracle Academy at Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
27 |
International conference on Information Technology for Real World Problems |
9th -11th December 2010 |
IEEE , Vaagdevi college of Engineering-Warangal |
28 |
Faculty Enablement Program- Campus Connect |
9th to 13th August,2010 |
INFOSYS Technologies Limited, BVRIT-Narsapur, Medak, Telangana. |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 |
“Distributed Multi Agent Driven Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender Systems” |
in Proc. of 1st IEEE International conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology(ICARET) , MeMeA2012 |
KLR University, Vijayawada, 08-09 Feb, 2013,Page(s):361-364 (DOI: 03.AETS.2013.2.76) |
2 |
Optimized Neural Network for Big data Classification using MapReduce Approach |
6th International Conference on Computing in Engineering and Technology (ICCET-2021) |
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Maharashtra, during 30-31 January, 2021. |
3 |
Optimized Neural Network for Big data Classification using MapReduce Approach |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad, India during 9th -10th October, 2020. |
4 |
Optimized Neural Network for Big data Classification using MapReduce Approach |
6th International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology, ICCET 2021 |
30th - 31st January 2021 |
5 |
A Prediction of Malaria Abundance Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Online International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Information Technology (ICRIEIT-2021) 26th -27th July 2021 |
Department of Information Technology, St. Martin’s Engineering college. |
6 |
Scene Text Detection with Big Bang Crunch Optimized Deep Learning |
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications ICMNWC 2023 |
04th -05th December 2023 |
7 |
A Systematic Investigation on Different Scene Text Detection and Recognition Method using Deep Learning Techniques |
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, IITCEE 2024 |
24 - 25 January 2024 |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
-- Nil -- |
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Details |
1 |
Achieved “Elite” certificate in “Problem Solving Through Programming in C” NPTEL certification course conducted by NPTEL + SWAYAM funded by MHRD Govt. of India in October, 2019. |