Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Assistant Professor |
June, 2008 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Lecturer |
January, 2002 |
May, 2008 |
Kakatiya University, Warangal. |
Part time Lecturer |
01-01-2002 |
08-12-2002 |
Aditya Degree and P.G college, Warangal |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
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Sujatha Madugula, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, MSB Phridviraj, V Chandra Shekhar Rao,
Niranjan Polala, P Kumaraswamy “Big data for the comprehensive data analysis of IT
organizations” published in the Journal of “High Technology Management Research ”,
Volume 34, Issue 2 , November 2023, 100465 |
6 |
Rekha Gangula, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sridhara Murthy Bejugama, Sudharshan Ray,
Gayatri Nandam, Swapna Saturi “ A Novel Intelligent Intrusion Prevention Framework for
Network Applications ” published in the journal “Wireless Personal Communications” on
04th June 2023, volume 131, pages 1833-1858 (2023) |
7 |
“Efficiently Mining Frequent Item Sets on Massive Data” published in International Journal for Recent
Developments in Science and Technology, Pp: 141-146, Volume 4, Issue 5, May, 2020,
ISSN: 2581 - 4575. |
8 |
“An Analysis on the Methods of Big Data Towards Health Care” published in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research”, pages 909 - 916 Volume 5, Issue 5, May, 2018. |
9 |
“Incipient Exploration Across Database Management Systems in Multidisciplinary Environment” published in International Journal of new Innovations in Engineering and Technology. Pages 15-18, Volume 3, Issue 4, September, 2015. |
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Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Rekha Gangula, Gangula Ravi, B. Srinivasulu, B. Sowjanya, Lingala Thirupathi “Early Detection of Plant Leaf Disease Using Convolutional Neural Networks” in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Electrongics Representation and Algorithms (ICERA 2021), 29th – 30th July, 2021, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-3400-3,) |
2 |
MSB Prudviraj, C Srinivas, S Venkatramulu, V. Chandra Shekar Rao, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, K K Mahender “Internet of things (IoT) based shortest route between departments within a university by applying nature inspired computing (NIC) algorithm” in Proc. of the AIP Conference Proceedings 2022. Volume 2418, Issue 1 , 24 th May 2022 |
3 |
S Venkatramulu, Anusha Kandukuri, V Rao, C Srinivas, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, E Sudharshan “ IP spoofing controlling with design science research methodology ” in Proc. of the AIP Conference Proceedings 2022. Volume 2418, Issue 1 , 24 th May 2022 |
4 |
Siripuri Kiran, V Chandra Shekhar Rao, S Venkatramulu, MSB Phridviraj, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sujatha Madugula “ Database Patterns for the Cloud and Docker Integrated Environment using Open Source Machine Learning ” in Proc. of the 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS). |
5 |
Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Rekha Gangula, Gangula Ravi, B. Srinivasulu, B. Sowjanya, Lingala Thirupathi “Early Detection of Plant Leaf Disease Using Convolutional Neural Networks” in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Electronics Representation and Algorithms (ICERA 2021), 29th – 30th July, 2021, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-3400-3) |
6 |
Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Mohammad Khaja Shujauddin, Bodakuntla Manoj Kumar, Vem Sai Vishista Reddy, Bolloju Shiva Kumar “ Data Mining for Automated Personality Classification” in Proc. of the International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence (ICSMDI 2021). |
7 |
Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sujatha Madugula, Siripuri Kiran, V Chandra Shekar Rao, S. Venkatramulu, MSB Prudvi Raj, “ML based Implementation for Documents Forensic and Prediction of Forgery using Computer Vision Framework” in Proc. of the 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS 2022) during 23rd – 25th February, 2022, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0052-7,) |
8 |
MSB Prudvi Raj, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sujatha Madugula, Siripuri Kiran, V Chandra Shekar Rao, S. Venkatramulu, “Machine Learning Based Predictive Analytics on Social Media Data for Assorted Applications” in Proc. of the 2022 Second International Conference on Electronic and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022) during 23rd–25th February, 2022, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8425-1) |
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S. Venkatramulu, MSB Prudvi Raj, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sujatha Madugula, Siripuri Kiran, V Chandra Shekar Rao, “Usage Patterns and Implementation of Machine Learning for Malware Detection and Predictive Evaluation” in Proc. of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS 2022) during 16th–18th March, 2022, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0052-7) |
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V. Chandra Shekhar Rao, Bhairy Gnaneshwari Devi, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, C. Srinivas, S. Venkatramulu, and D. Raghava kumari “Prediction of Covid-19 using Kalman filter algorithm” in Proc. of the AIP Conference Proceedings 2022. |
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V Chandra Shekar Rao, S. Venkatramulu, MSB Prudvi Raj, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, Sujatha Madugula, Siripuri Kiran, “COVID – 19 Patterns Identifcation using Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Neural Implementation”in Proc. of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS 2022) during 23rd –25th February, 2022, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0052-7) |
12 |
Sujatha Madugula, Siripuri Kiran, V Chandra Shekar Rao, S. Venkatramulu, MSB Prudvi Raj, Sreenivas Pratapagiri, “Advanced Machine Learning Scenarios for Real World Applications using Weka Platform” in Proc. of the Second International Conference onElectronics and Renewable Systems(ICEARS 2022) during 16th –18th March, 2022, (IEEE XPLORE Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8425-1). |
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Member – Indian Society for Technical Education(LM-88267). |
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“Solar Park Monitoring and Fault Detection System using IoT and Machine Learning” Patent Number : 2021102330. It is an Australian patent. The Commissioner of Patents has granted the above patent on 9th June 2021 |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Network Programming |
II Sem, IV Yr, CSE |
Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA |
VI-Sem, III/VI, CE-1 |
Network Programming - LAB |
II Sem, IV Yr,CSE |
Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA |
DataBase Management Systems |
I Sem, III Yr, CSE |
DataBase Management Systems -LAB |
I Sem, III Yr, CSE |
Data Mining and Dataware Housing |
II Sem, III/IV Yr, CSE |
Cloud computing |
VII –Sem , IV/IV CSE-1 |
Operating Systems |
Computer Architecture and Organization |
III-Sem, II/IV, CSE-1 |
Object Oriented Programming |
II-Sem, II Yr, ECE-I, EEE-1 |
Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA |
VI-Sem, III/VI, CE-1&2 |
Machine Learning |
VII Sem, IV Yr, CSE |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
VI Sem, III Yr, CSE |
Deep Learning |
VIII Sem, IV Yr , CSE |
Postgraduate Level |
Information Technology for Managers |
I Sem, I Year, MBA |
Design Analysis of Algorithms |
I Sem, III Year, MCA |
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) - LAB |
I Sem.III Year, MCA |
Cryptography and Network Security |
I Sem.III Year, MCA |
Artificial Intelligence |
I Sem.III Year, MCA |
Data Mining |
II Sem.II Year, MCA |
Unix Network Programming |
II Sem.II Year, MCA |
DataBase Management System |
I Sem.II Year, MCA |
Data Communication Networks |
I Sem.II Year, MCA |
Data Structures |
II Sem.I Year, MCA |
Operating System |
II Sem.I Year, MCA |
Java |
II Sem.I Year, MCA |
Computer Organization |
I Sem, MCA |
Data Analytics Laboratory |
I Sem, II Year, M.Tech., SE |
Advanced Database Management Systems |
II-Sem, I/IV, M.Tech.(SE) |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
Attended 40 hours FDP on “Emerging Applicaions of Optimization Techniques” |
6th to 14th June, 2024 |
E&ICT Academy, NIT and Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal |
2 |
Attended 40 hours FDP on “Innovative Insights : Professional Development of Software Reasoning” |
5th to 8th August, 2024 |
E&ICT Academy, NIT and Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal |
3 |
Attended 36 hours, semester long FDP on “Effective Teaching of Data Structures” |
January to May 2022 |
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi |
4 |
AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy online FDP on “Computer Science and Biolgy” |
25-01-2021 to |
Kakatiy Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal |
5 |
AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy online FDP on “Data Sciences” |
14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020 |
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Thiruchirappalli |
6 |
A one week online FDP on “Salesforce” |
27th to 31st July |
TASK ,Hyderbad |
7 |
A One Week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence Applications through Machine Learning” |
14th -18th july 2020 |
Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal |
8 |
A Three Day National Level Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence” sponsored by DST-ICPS Division, Government of India, |
20th -22nd February, 2020 |
Dept. of CSE,KITS Warangal |
9 |
60 hours of Professional Development for Oracle Academy course “Database Design and Programming with SQL” |
28TH february |
Dept of CSE &I T with Oracle Academy at KITS Warangal |
10 |
A Two week FDP ON “Advances in Internet of Things” sponsored by DST-Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System. |
12th -21st December’ 2019 |
Dept. of CSE, KITS Warangal |
11 |
2Oth – 24th May’ 2019 |
Electronics and ICT Academies and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology(Meity) Government of India |
12 |
A Two day FDP on “Cloud Computing” |
21st &22nd December 2018 |
KITS Warngal with Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad |
13 |
A Two day workshop on “Machine Learning and its Applications” |
04th -05th October,2018 |
KITS Warngal with Uniway |
14 |
The six day FDP on “New Pedagogic Techniques in Technical Education” |
26th February- 3rd March 2018 |
Teaching Learning Centre, NIT Warangal |
15 |
Govt. of India, sponsored FDP on "Software Engg. and Testing Methodologies" |
5th - 14th May, 2017 |
E & ICT Academy, Dept. of CSE, NIT, Warangal |
16 |
FDP on "Network programming and Wireless Networks" |
21st - 22nd April, 2017 |
Organized by Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
17 |
A two day workshop on “Bigdata Analytics Using Hadoop & R-Tools” |
8th & 9th July , 2016 |
Organized by Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
18 |
A one day workshop on “Design Patterns” |
5th August, 2015 |
Organized by Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
19 |
A two day workshop on “Research Insights in Cloud and Big Data” |
19th & 20th September, 2015 |
Organized by Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
20 |
Two week Faculty Development Program on “Enterpeneurship Development” |
23-03-2015 to 07-03-2015 |
Dept. of Science and Technology,National Institute of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme),Ministry of msme (of MHRD), Govt. of India |
21 |
Two day workshop on “Social Network Analysis” |
30th – 31st January, 2015 |
Dept. of Information Technology in collaboration with TCS, Hyderabad at KITS, Warangal |
22 |
One day seminar on “Responsibility of Youth in implementing Technology for Better Society” |
13th December, 2014 |
ISTE KITSW chapter, KITS Warangal |
23 |
One day seminar on “Teacher’s Role in an Autonomous Institution” |
29th November, 2014 |
Educational Technology Centre (ETC) chapter at KITS Warangal |
24 |
One week Faculty Development Program on “Employability Skill Development” |
18th to 22nd August, 2014 |
Zensar Office - PUNE |
25 |
Two day workshop on “Beneficial Application of Ionizing Radiation” |
08th & 09th February 2014 |
Research and Development cell, KITS Warangal |
26 |
ISTE Sponsored Two week Workshop held on "Database Management Systems" |
21st - 31st May, 2013 |
Conducted by IIT, Bombay, at National Institute of Technology, Warangal, under the "National Mission on Education" through ICT (MHRD ) |
27 |
AICTE sponsored Two Week Staff Development Programme on "Advanced Data Mining Techniques" |
14th - 26th May, 2012 |
V.N.R. Vignana Jyothy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. |
28 |
AICTE sponsored Two Week Staff Development Programme on "Recent Trends in Networking and Security" |
13th - 26th June, 2011 |
V.N.R. Vignana Jyothy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. |
29 |
Two day workshop on “Advanced Trends in Data Mining” |
29th - 30th June, 2009 |
Dept. of C.S.E, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narsampet, Warangal |
30 |
One day Workshop on "Effective Teaching and Learning Methodologies" |
16th December, 2008 |
Kamala Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar. |
31 |
One day Workshop on "Data Mining using Celmetaine" |
13th February, 2007 |
Dept. of Informatics, University Arts & Science College, Warangal. |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
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Details |
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Achieved “Elite” certification for the course “The Joy of Computing using Python” conducted by SWAYAM, NPTEL and funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Date: July-October 2024. |
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Achieved “Elite” certification for the course “Data Structures and Algorithms using Java” conducted by SWAYAM, NPTEL and funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Date: July-October 2023. |
3 |
Achieved “Elite” certification for the course “Problem Solving through Programming in C” conducted by SWAYAM, NPTEL and funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Date: July-October 2023. |