Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Assistant Professor |
July, 2017 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Associate Professor |
January, 2007 |
July, 2017 |
Ramappa Engineering College, Warangal |
Lecturer |
July, 2005 |
December, 2006 |
Vaagdevi Engineering College, Warangal |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Velakanti, Gouthami, et al. "Data Analysis of Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional Features Having Impact on Student Careers." New Approaches to Data Analytics and Internet of Things Through Digital Twin, edited by P. Karthikeyan, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 179-190. |
2 |
B. Gobinathan, M. A. Mukunthan, S. Surendran, K. Somasundaram, Syed Abdul Moeed, P. Niranjan, V. Gouthami, G. Ashmitha, Gouse Baig Mohammad, V. K. Shanmuganathan, Yuvaraj Natarajan, K. Srihari, Venkatesa Prabhu Sundramurthy, "A Novel Method to Solve Real Time Security Issues in Software Industry Using Advanced Cryptographic Techniques", Scientific Programming, vol. 2021, Article ID 3611182, 9 pages, 2021. (SCI Indexed Journal). |
3 |
Gouthami Velakanti, Gunjala Koushik Reddy, Kandukuri Sreeja, Adulapuram Nava Teja, Asnala Mythreya,” Classification Of Thyroid Nodules from Ultrasound Images using Residual Network (ResNet)”.(Accepted). |
4 |
Gouthami Velakanti, Anjali Mathur,” Machine Learning approach to find the abilities in a candidate for steady employment in engineering field: A Literature Survey”.Matriala Today :Proceedings,December 2020. (SCOPUS Indexed Journal). |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Gouthami Velakanti,Anjali Mathur,” Machine Learning approach to find the abilities in a candidate for steady employment in engineering field: A Literature Survey” .Materials Today :Proceedings, December 2020. |
9 |
Pranavi Singarapu, Gouthami Velakanti “A Comprehensive Study on Machine Learning” JETIR, 2349-5162, March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp.559-566. |
10 |
Gouthami Velakanti, Niranjan Reddy .P,Sravanthi.V, “Secure Data Sharing With In Groups In The Cloud” International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology,ISSN:2277-9655,Aug-2016 .pp.423-430.. |
11 |
N.Krishna Chaitanya and V.Gouthami “HIP Using Mirror Imaged Characters and Finger print Authentication for online Election” International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology,ISSN:2231-1963,Vol3 Issue 2, May 2012,pp.-803-808, |
12 |
Gouthami Velakanti, Aditya Katuri “Ehnancement of Computer forensic tools and Technology for Computer Investigation” International Journal of Science and Technology (IJCSIT) ISSN-0975-9646 Vol5(1),2014.pp161-164. |
13 |
K. Jyothi, V.Gouthami “An Enhanced Survey of Broadcasting Algorithm for MIMO Based Mobile AD-Hoc Networks”,Aurora’s International Journal of Computing | 2015 | Vol. 2. Issue 2 | July-December 2015.ISSN: Online: 2395 – 0420 Print : 2395 – 0412.pp:85-89 |
14 |
P Raj Kumar, V. Gouthami ,“A Novel Negotiation of Cloud Services in Internet of Things Environment”,Aurora’s International Journal of Computing | 2015 | Vol. 2. Issue 2 | July-December 2015.ISSN: Online: 2395 – 0420 Print : 2395 – 0412.pp:35-38. |
15 |
Chandupatla Sushma, V.Gouthami,”Filtering Unnecessary Messages from User Account”,Aurora’s International Journal of Computing | 2015 | Vol. 2. Issue 2 | July-December 2015. ISSN: Online: 2395 – 0420 Print : 2395 – 0412.pp:6-9. |
16 |
Easam Shobha Rani, V.Gouthami ,“Online Transaction Payment System using Visual Cryptography and Text Steganography”,Aurora’s International Journal of Computing | 2015 | Vol. 2. Issue 2 | July-December 2015. ISSN: Online: 2395 – 0420 Print : 2395 – 0412.pp:196-200. |
17 |
Shazia Tazeen,Gouthami Velakanti “A Novel Security Approach using Captcha and Graphical Password – A Survey” Aurora’s International Journal of Computing ISSN-:Online-2595-0420 Print:2395-0412,Vol2-Issue-1 Jan-June 2015. Aurora’s International Journal of Computing | 2015 | Vol. 2. Issue 1 |
18 |
Md. Menhaaz, K,Shruthi, V.Gouthami, “Reversible Watermarking Based on Classification of Images using Histogram Altering Modulation” Aurora’s International Journal of Computing ISSN-:Online-2595-0420 Print:2395-0412,Vol2-Issue-2 December 2015. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Kolluri, J., Chandra Shekhar Rao, V., Velakanti, G., Kiran, S., Sravanthi, S., Venkatramulu, S. (2022). Text Classification Using Deep Neural Networks. In: Bhateja, V., Khin Wee, L., Lin, J.CW., Satapathy, S.C., Rajesh, T.M. (eds) Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 446. Springer, Singapore. |
2 |
Velakanti, G., Jarathi, S., Harshini, M., Ankam, P., Vuppu, S. (2022). Heart Disease Prediction Using Deep Learning Algorithm. In: Reddy, V.S., Prasad, V.K., Wang, J., Reddy, K. (eds) Soft Computing and Signal Processing. ICSCSP 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1413. Springer, Singapore. |
3 |
Velakanti, G., Niranjan, P. (2019). Efficiency-Based Analysis of Homomorphic Encryption Implications. In: Bapi, R., Rao, K., Prasad, M. (eds) First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 815. Springer, Singapore. |
4 |
Gouthami Velakanti, SudhaRani, P.Niranjan ”ENCRYPTION MECHANISM ON PATIENT DATA STORED IN CLOUD” International Journal on Research Trends in Engineering and Research, IJRTER, ISSN: 2455-1457, 2017, pp.183-188. |
5 |
“AUTHENTICATION IN CLOUD COMPUTING WITH PASSWORD AND FINGERPRINT” National Conference on Current Research Advances in Computer Science CRACS-2017 held at Kakatiya University in March 2017. |
6 |
“BIOMETRICS FOR LIBRARY SYSTEMS” National Conference on Security Management (NCLSM) held at JNTU campus in Jan-2011. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Gouthami Velakanti, “Data Structures using C++“, ISBN: 978-93-87374-96-6 |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Velakanti, Gouthami, et al. "Data Analysis of Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional Features Having Impact on Student Careers." New Approaches to Data Analytics and Internet of Things Through Digital Twin, edited by P. Karthikeyan, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 179-190. |
2 |
Gouthami Velakanti, Syed Asadullah Hussaini, K. Satish Kumar, E R Aruna,” Extended Producer Responsibility for an Efficient Implementation of E-Waste Management”(Submitted) |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Member – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE – LM112747) |
2 |
Member – IEEE(93749696) |
3 |
IFERP: PMIN13029465 |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Programming in C |
I Year, B.Tech. |
Data Structures |
II Sem, III Year, ECE |
Programming Concepts using C++ |
I Sem, II Year, IT |
GUI Laboratory |
II Sem, III Year, CSE |
Data Structures |
2-sem,1-Year,CSE |
Object Oriented programming through Java |
I Sem, II Year, CSE I Sem, IV Year, EIE |
Cloud Computing |
I Sem, IV Year, CSE |
Network Security |
II Sem, III Year, CSE |
Computer Forensics |
I Sem, III Year, CSE |
Advanced Data Structures using C++ |
I Sem, II Year, IT |
Software Engineering |
II Sem, II Year, IT |
Computer Networks |
II Sem, II Year IT, CSE I Sem, IV Year, ECE |
Data Communication |
I Sem, II Year, IT |
Embedded Systems |
I Sem, IV Year, IT |
Human Computer Interface |
II Sem, IV Year, CSE |
Linux Programming |
I Sem, IV Year, IT |
Operating Systems |
II Sem, II Year, CSE |
Object oriented Analysis and Design |
II Sem, III Year, CSE |
Computer Organization |
I Sem, IV Year, EEE |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
I Sem, II Year, CSE |
Postgraduate Level |
Web Technologies |
I Sem, I Year ,M.Tech.,SE |
Distributed Systems |
II Sem, I Year, M.Tech., SE |
Software Quality Assurance Testing |
II Sem,I Year, M.Tech., SE |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” |
One week |
2 |
FDP on “Data Science” |
60 hrs |
3 |
FDP on ”PhP and MySQL” |
Two week |
4 |
FDP on “Internet of Things” |
One week |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
5 |
FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” |
One week |
NYCI & Brain O Vision |
6 |
FDP on “Data structures –Industry Interaction” |
2 day |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
7 |
FDP on “Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence” |
3 Days |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
8 |
FDP on “Machine Learning in Image Processing” |
2 Weeks |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
9 |
FDP on “Emerging trends in Wireless Technologies” |
One week |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
10 |
FDP on “Cloud Computing & its Applications” |
One Week |
11 |
Attended FDP on "JAVA Fundamentals and Programming" |
7th -11th August 2017 |
ORACLE ACADEMY in Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
12 |
Attended FDP on "Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions and Industries" |
1 Week, 19th -23rd July 2017 |
International Quality Assurance Cell, Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
13 |
FDP on “Research Methodology” |
One Week |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 |
Efficiency-Based Analysis of Homomorphic Encryption Implications |
First International Conference on ArtificialIntelligence and Cognitive Computing , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
Malla Reddy Engineering College |
2 |
National conference on Conergence of Emerging technologies in Computer science |
Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College |
3 |
“Authentication In Cloud Computing With Password And Fingerprint” |
National Conference on Current Research Advances in Computer Science CRACS-2017 |
Kakatiya University, Warangal. |
4 |
“Biometrics for Library Systems” |
National Conference on Security Management (NCLSM) |
JNTU, Hyderabad. |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |