KITSW Main page
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
KITS Warangal


Academic Year



  • MS. G. Rishitha   Reddy   (B20CS073)  got selected  in  CISCO Ideathon 2023  with  a CTC  of Rs  . 15 lakhs.
  • MS. Sahithi   (B20CS056)  got selected  in  CHUBB  with  a CTC  of Rs . 11 lakhs.



Mr. B. Navaneeth Reddy (B18EC072) class of 2022 Batch for being offered with an annual CTC of Rs. 14.00 Lakhs in MoEngage India Pvt Ltd in Koramangala, Bangalore
Mr. Janith Adavala and V.Ganesh class of 2022 Batch for being offered with an annual CTC of Rs. 14.87 Lakhs in CISCO Systems.
Sai Bavya K CSE Student of 2022 Batch for being offered with an annual CTC of Rs. 31.00 Lakhs in Amazon Development Centre.
Mr. M.Akshith Reddy, IT student, Ms. M.Susmitha CSE student, Mr. Sai Vythik of CSE and Mr. M.Amith Reddy of CSE students of 2022 batch for being offered with an annual CTC of 16.0 Lakhs per annum in Experian IDC








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