KITSW Main page
KITS Warangal
Department of Mathematics & Humanities
S. No. Name of the Lab Major Equipment / Facilities Available Labs conducted as per the scheme of curriculum
I Year II Year

English Language Lab

HP Desk Tops (76) Computer Systems having Multimedia Headset connected to a LAN.

K-VAN Software solutions (76, Systems)

DELTA EH-20KVA 3P/1P Online UPS with 30 minutes backup, Quanta 12V/42 AH VRLA SMF Batteres, Rack and cables.


Public Address System: Ahuja mixer amplifier ssb 60em, Ahuja wall speakers PS 500 T, Ahuja studio mater cordless Mphone xr 100

For all Branches of B.Tech I Year Students (English for Communication) and English Language Laboratory


For all Branches of B.Tech. II Year (Professional English)


EPSON Projector EB S-31



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