M.B.A. I Year I Semester I Mid Examination Time table
B.Tech. I Year I Mid Revised Examination Time table
B.Tech. II Year and III Year II Semester University Supplementary Examination Time Table
B.Tech. I Year University Supplementary Examination Time Table
"Yantrang'13" is organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, during 28th-29th December, 2013.
A Two-Day AICTE sponsored National Seminar on "Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Sustainability" organized by dept. of CIVIL Engg. during 27th-28th December, 2013
JKC Free Registration: Application Form
M.Tech. Course Scenario in A.P.
Interview with Captain Sir in NAMASTE TELANGANA on 24.11.2013
A Two Week AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Micro Grid & Distributed Generation