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A Two Day FDP on Big Data: Challenges

Dignitaries and Participants present in the Silver Jubilee Seminar Hall on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr.Sri Alluri Murthy Raju, Chairman, Governing Body, KITSW, Sri P.Narayana Reddy, Treasurer, EES, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and other dignitaries lighting the lamp of knowledge on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Prof.P.Niranjan Reddy, Head, Department of CSE addressing the audience on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr.P.Radha Krishna, Principal Research Scientist, Infosys Technologies, Hyderabad delivering his message in the capacity of Chief Guest on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr.P.Radha Krishna, Principal Research Scientist, Infosys Technologies, Hyderabad delivering his key note address in the capacity of Chief Guest on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr. Sri Alluri Murthy Raju giving his presidential remarks on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dignitaries on the release of "roCkSE", a technical magazine, published by the Department of CSE on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dignitaries on the release of "roCkSE", an annual technical magazine, published by the Department of CSE on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dignitaries on the release of "foCuSE", a bi-annual news letter, published by the Department of CSE on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Dr. Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW presenting a memento to Dr. Sri Alluri Murthy Raju, Chairman, Governing Body, KITSW on the Inaugural function of Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Sri T.Pranabh Kumar from COIGN Edu & IT Services Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad delivering his lecture on Hadoop Tool in connection with Faculty Development Programme on "Big Data: Challenges" organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013


Participants, organizers, faculty of CSE department present in the Web Technologies Laboratory listening to the lecture in connection with Faculty Development Programme on “Big Data: Challenges” organized by Department of CSE on 6th and 7th September 2013 

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