TASK Sponsored one week Faculty Development Programme on Database Design and Programing with SQL from 24-29 February, 2020 organized by Dept. of Information Technology and Computer Science & Engg..
Dept of Computer Science & Engg. is organized AICTE sponsored two week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Domain Specific Internet of Things and Illustration of Iots Design using Case Studies" during 09.01.2020 to 21.01.2020.
Click Here to view FDP report.
Dept. of Computer Science & Engg. organized two week DST-ICPS Division, New Delhi Sponsored FDP on "Advances in Internet of Things" during 12th to 22nd December, 2019.
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engg. organized ISTE sponsored one week FDP on “Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering-2019” during 9th to 14th December, 2019.
Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one week ISTE & Adroitec sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Disruptive Technologies in Digital Manufacturing (DTM-19)” during 25– 29 November, 2019.
Dept of Computer Science & Engg. is organized DST-ICPS Division, New Delhi Sponsored two week Faculty Development Programme(FDP) on “Machine learning in Speech Processing” during 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019.
Click Here to view FDP report.