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     Dept. of Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
KITS Warangal
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    Two Patents filed in the Patent Office, Govt. of India and another one in process. These patents are filed by Dr K Ashoka Reddy Professor of this department  in association with Dr. V. Jagadeesh Kumar, Professor and Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras.

  1. A non-invasive method and device for the measurement of Oxygen Saturation in Arterial blood – I   (No: 1189/CHE/2007)
  2. A non-invasive method and device for the measurement of Oxygen  Saturation in Arterial blood – II   (No: 1191/CHE/2007)
  3. A non-invasive method  and device  for the measurement of Venous refilling time (in process)

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