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     Dept. of Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
KITS Warangal
Faculty group mail-id :

  • Dr. K Ashoka Reddy Professor of this department Received Innovative Student Project Award - 2009 on December 17, 2009 at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam (TN).  


    This award is instituted by The Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi, to recognize every year innovative and creative projects of research scholars at Ph.D level. He received this award for his Ph.D work "Novel Signal Processing Methods for Performance Enhancement of Pulse Oximeters".

  • Dr. K. Sivani, Professor of this department received Best Teacher Award during the Alumni Meet held on 22.12.2018 @KITS Warangal.


    This award is instituted by ALUMNI AFFAIRS CELL, KITSW to recognize every year senior most alumni faculty of this institute.

  • Prof. M. Sreelatha, Professor of this department received Best Teacher Award during the Alumni Meet held on 28.12.2019 @KITS Warangal.


    This award is instituted by ALUMNI AFFAIRS CELL, KITSW to recognize every year senior most alumni faculty of this institute.

  • Smt. R. Nirmaladevi, Associate Professor of this department received Best Teacher Award during the Alumni Meet held on 12.07.2022 @KITS Warangal.


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