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Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engg.
KITS Warangal
Faculty group mail-id :

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs) of B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Technical Expertise

apply the knowledge of electrical and electronics engineering to develop solutions for complex problems of electrical power industry and allied engineering areas .


Successful Career

demonstrate innovation & creativity in their professional practice, work effectively as an individual and in a team in multidisciplinary areas towards sustainable development.


Lifelong learning

adopt to a constantly changing field through higher education, professional development and self-study for contributing to well-being of society.

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs) of M.Tech.- Power Electronics

The Postgraduates of POWER ELECTRONICS will be able to

PEO1 (Research and Innovation)

Engage in research, innovation and teaching in the fields related to power electronics & Drives.

PEO2 (Technical expertise and Successful career)

excel in professional practices relevant to industry and engage in enterpreneurship with latest technologies in the areas pf power converters, renewable energy, smart electric grid, industrial drives and electric vehicles.

PEO3(Soft skills and Lifelong learning)

exhibit professional ethics, effective communication skills and spirit of teamwork by carrying out research for a sustainable development.


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