KITSW Main page
Dept. of Physical Sciences
KITS Warangal


1. On the occation of National Science Day A Seminar on "Indigenous Technologies for vikasith Bharath” is organized on 28th February, 2024.

2. On the occation of National Science Day A Seminar on "Smart Materials for Global Well being” is organized on 28th February, 2023.

3. National Pollution Control Day celebrations are conducted on December 2, 2022.

4. Organized one week Faculty Developemt Programme(FDP) on "Modern Characterization Techniques in Scientific and Engineering                 Applications" during 4th to 8th August, 2020.

5. Organized one week Faculty Developemt Programme(FDP) on "Current Advances in Science for Engineering and Medical Applications"                during 4th to 8th August, 2020.





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