KITSW Main page
Dept. of Physical Sciences
KITS Warangal


  • To make the students understand the basic principles and concepts of Physics & Chemistry thoroughly which are essential for a successful engineer with Environmental awareness.

  • To motivate and train the students acquire required knowledge for engineering applications by giving necessary inputs in theoretical and practical skills of Physical Sciences.

The Department has its existence since the inception of this institute as a part of the Department of Humanities and Sciences with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Commerce & Management as its constituent sections. The department of Humanities & Sciences has been bifurcated on 24th January 2005 into the Department of Physical Sciences and Department of Mathematics & Humanities.

The Department of Physical Sciences presently comprises of seventeen committed faculty members with four Professors, five Assistant Professors (senior scale) and eight Assistant Professors. Most of them have the teaching experience at this institute between 13 to 32 years or more and twelve staff members are possessing Ph.D., degree and other are pursuing their doctoral degree. Both the Physics and Chemistry sections of this Department offer service courses like Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry and Environmental studies (by chemistry section) to first year students of B.Tech. degree programs of all disciplines. The department has spacious well established Engineering Physics laboratory & Engineering Chemistry laboratory, catering to the academic requirements to enable the students to get hands – on experience in practical skills.

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