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    Department of Mechanical Engineering
KITS Warangal
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Program Educational Objectives(PEOs) of B.Tech. in Mechanical Engg. Course
The graduates of Mechanical Engineering will be able to …
Technical Expertise
  • apply a broad understanding of mechanical engineering, as well as concepts from mathematics, science, communication and computing, to solve specific problems in industry and associated engineering fields..

Successful Career

demonstrate distinctiveness, professional ethics, integrity and innovation in their chosen profession and work well as individuals and in teams to achieve sustainable development in diverse fields.

Lifelong learning
  • adapt to a constantly changing field by pursuing higher education, professional development, and self-study in order to contribute to society's well-being.

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs) of M.Tech. in Design Engg. Course


The postgraduates of DESIGN ENGINEERING will be able to…

(Research and Innovation)
  • engage in research, innovation and in teaching in Higher Education institutions.

(Technical expertise and Successful career)

excel in profession in industry, and entrepreneurship with updated technologies in the domain of design engineering.

(Soft skills and Lifelong learning)
  • exhibit professional ethics, effective communication and teamwork in solving engineering problems by adapting contemporary research towards sustainable development of society.

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