The renowned Charted Accountant, Chanchal Agarwal delivering an awareness programme on “Corporate taxation and its practices” on 12.02.2014.
The renowned Charted Accountant, Chanchal Agarwal delivering an awareness programme on “Corporate taxation and its practices” on 12.02.2014.
The renowned Charted Accountant, Chanchal Agarwal exhibiting the importance and role of service tax in business organizations for the development of India on 12.02.2014.
Training on “Personality Development and Career Selection” by TPO,KITSW on 12.02.2014.
Dr. V. Niveditha Reddy, Head, Dept. of Management is addressing the students on the occasion of guest lecture organized on 30th January, 2014
Prof. K. Sayulu, Registrar, Kakatiya University, Warangal is delivering a guest lecture on "Contemporary Practices in International Business" on 30th January, 2014.
Dean, Academic Affairs, Head of Management department and Faculty Members are felicitating Prof. K. Sayulu, Registrar, Kakatiya University, Warangal on the occasion of guest lecture on "Contemporary Practices in International Business" on 30th January, 2014.
Dignitaries are lightening the lamp of knowledge on the Inaugural function of Electrocom'14 organized by Dept. of ECE on 4th - 5th January, 2014.
Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Electrocom'14 organized by Dept. of ECE on 4th - 5th January, 2014.
Sri. M.Ravi Shankar, Addl. Gen. Manager, Indian Telecom Services, addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Electrocom'14 organized by Department of ECE on 4th - 5th January, 2014.
Dignitaries on the dais are releasing the Digital Souvenir of Electrocom'14 organized by Department of ECE on 4th - 5th January, 2014.
Dr. V.Vishwanatha Rao, Member EES, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and others felicitating Sri.M.Ravi Shankar, Addl. Gen. Manager, Indian Telecom Services, on the Inaugural function of Electrocom'14 organized by Department of ECE on 4th - 5th January, 2014.
Inauguration of YANTRANG'13 Poster by Principal, Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, KITSW.
YANTRANG'13 is the National Level Student Technical Symposium to be organized by Department of Mechanical Engg. during 28th-29th December 2013.
Sri. G.S. Panda Das, IAS, Commissioner, Warangal Muncipal Corporation, Sri. Thumma Srinivas, CEO, Sumith Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Sri. Alluri Murthy Raju, Chairman, Governing Body, KITSW, Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, Secretary & Correspondent, KITSW, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and other dignitaries lightening the lamp of knowledge on the Inaugural function of Parikaran'13 organized by Dept. of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013.
Sri. G.S. Panda Das, IAS, Commissioner, Warangal Muncipal Corporation, addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Parikaran'13 organized by Department of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013
Sri. Thumma Srinivas, CEO, Sumith Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Parikaran'13 organized by Department of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013
Sri. G.S. Panda Das, IAS, Commissioner, Warangal Muncipal Corporation, Sri. Thumma Srinivas, CEO, Sumith Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, Secretary & Correspondent, KITSW, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and other dignitaries on the dais releasing the Souvenir of Parikaran'13 organized by Department of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013
Sri. Alluri Murthy Raju, Chairman, Governing Body, KITSW, Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, Secretary & Correspondent, KITSW, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and others felicitating Sri. G.S. Panda Das, IAS, Commissioner, Warangal Muncipal Corporation on the Inaugural function of Parikaran'13 organized by Department of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013.
Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and other dignitaries felicitating Sri. Alluri Murthy Raju, Chairman, Governing Body, KITSW on the Inaugural function of Parikaran'13 organized by Department of EIE on 14th-15th December, 2013.
Inauguration of SRISTI'13 Poster by Capt. V.Laxmikantha Rao Garu, S&C, KITSW and Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW.
SRISTI'13 is the National Level Students Technical Symposium to be organized by Department of Information Technology during the period 20th-21st December 2013.
Sri. M. Neelakanteswar Rao, Regional Head, RISE Corporation, Hyderabad, Dr. A.Govardan, Professor, JNTU College of Engg. Hyderabad, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW, Dr.P.Kamakshi, Head, Dept. of IT and other dignitaries lighting the lamp of knowledge on the Inaugural function of Sristi'13 organized by Dept. of IT on 20th and 21st December, 2013.
Sri. M. Neelakanteswar Rao, Regional Head, RISE Corporation, Hyderabad addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Sristi'13 organized by Department of IT on 20th and 21st December, 2013.
Dr. A. Govardhan, Professor, Department of CSE, JNTU-Hyderabad addressing the audience on the Inaugural function of Sristi'13 organized by Department of IT on 20th and 21st December, 2013.
Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Sristi'13 organized by Department of IT on 20th and 21st December, 2013.
Sri. M. Neelakanteswar Rao, Regional Head, RISE Corporation, Hyderabad, Dr. A.Govardan, Professor, JNTU College of Engg. Hyderabad, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW, Dr.P.Kamakshi, Head, Dept. of IT and other dignitaries releasing the Souvenir of Sristi'13.
Sri. JVRS Prasad, Regional L&D Head, TCS, Hyderabad,Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, Secretary & Correspondent, KITSW, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW, Prof. P.Niranjan Reddy, Head, Department of CSE and other dignitaries lighting the lamp of knowledge on the Inaugural function of Technoplexus'13 organized by Department of CSE on 7th and 8th December, 2013.
Prof. P.Niranjan Reddy, Head, Department of CSE addressing the audience on the Inaugural function of Technoplexus'13 organized by Department of CSE on 7th and 8th December, 2013.
Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Technoplexus'13 organized by Department of CSE on 7th and 8th December, 2013.
Sri. JVRS Prasad, Regional L&D Head, TCS, Hyderabad addressing the gathering on the Inaugural function of Technoplexus'13 organized by Department of CSE on 7th and 8th December, 2013.
Sri. JVRS Prasad, Regional L&D Head, TCS, Hyderabad, Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, Secretary & Correspondent, KITSW, Dr. K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW and other dignitaries on the dais releasing the Souvenir of Technoplexus'13.
Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu giving his presidential remarks on the Inaugural function of Technoplexus'13 organized by Department of CSE on 7th and 8th December, 2013.
Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, felicitating Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, on the occation of his 75th Birthday Celebrations on 17th November, 2013.
Members of KITS Teachers Association felicitating Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, on the occation of his 75th Birthday Celebrations on 17th November, 2013.
Members of KITS Non-Teaching Association felicitating Capt. V.Lakshmikantha Rao garu, on the occation of his 75th Birthday Celebrations on 17th November, 2013.
Faculty from various departments @KITSW are participated in the Seminar on "Research funding Agencies & Schemes" conducted at our Institute on 30th November, 2013.