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     Dept. of Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
KITS Warangal
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Dr.K.Ashoka Reddy, Principal, KITSW, delivering a talk on the occasion of A Two Day Faculty Development program on "DSP and Its Applications, a Practical Approach with MATLAB", Organized by E&I Engineering Department on 8-9 February, 2013.


Prof.M.Sreelatha, Head, department of EIE, delivering a talk on the occasion of A Two Day Faculty Development program on "DSP and Its Applications, a Practical Approach with MATLAB", Organized by E&I Engineering Department on 8-9 February, 2013.


Sri.M.Raghuram, Assoc. Prof., department of EIE, delivering a talk on the occasion of A Two Day Faculty Development program on "DSP and Its Applications, a Practical Approach with MATLAB", Organized by E&I Engineering Department on 8-9 February, 2013.


Sri.K.Venumadhav, Assoc. Prof., department of EIE, delivering a talk on the occasion of A Two Day Faculty Development program on "DSP and Its Applications, a Practical Approach with MATLAB", Organized by E&I Engineering Department on 8-9 February, 2013.

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