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Archive for January 2015
M.Tech. I Semester I-Mid Semester Exam Timetable
MBA I-Semester II-Mid Semester Exam Timetable
Revised Timetable of MBA I-Semester End Semester Exams
B.Tech. I Year I Semester(Autonomous Batch) Practical Examination time table
B.Tech. I Semester II Mid Semester Exam Timetable
B.Tech. I Semester End Semester Exam Timetable
MBA III Semester University examinations starts from 29th November, 2014.
Fee Notification of B.Tech. I Semester End Semester Examination
MBA I Year I-Sem I-Mid Exam Timetable
B.Tech I Year(Supply) Practical Examinations Timetables
B.Tech II Year II Semester (Supply) Practical Examinations Timetables
B.Tech III Year II Semester (Supply) Practical Examinations Timetables
MBA III Sem II Mid Examinations
B.Tech (All Branches) II,III&IV Year I-Semester (Regular) University Theory Examination Time Table.
B.Tech (All Branches) I st Year,II nd Year & III rd Year II-Semester (Supplementary) University Theory Examination Time Table.
Assignments Schedule
for MBA I year I Semester.
B.Tech I Year I Semester I-Mid Exam Timetable
B.Tech.(All Branches) II Year I Sem Revised Univ. Practical Exam Timetables
B.Tech.(All Branches) III Year I Sem Revised Univ. Practical Exam Timetables
B.Tech.(All Branches) IV Year I Sem Revised Univ. Practical Exam Timetables
MBA III Sem. University Exam Fee Notification
M.Tech.(All Branches) IV-Semester Examination Fee Notification
Revised II-Mid Exam TimeTables of II, III & IV B.Tech. I-Sem
Examination Fee Notification for B.Tech. I Year, II/II, III/II (Supplementary)-2014
MBA II Year I Sem I-Mid Examination TimeTable
B.Tech. II, III & IV Year I Sem II-Mid Examination Time Tables
Examination Fee Notification for B.Tech. II/I, III/I & IV/I(Regular & Ex-candidates)-2014
B.Tech. IV Year II-Semester Advance Supplementary Exam Time Table
Revised B.Tech II, III & IV year I-Mid Examination Timetable
MBA II Semester VIVA-VOCE Examination Timetable
M.Tech I Year II Sem. University Exams Time Table
MCA I Year II Semester (Regular, Ex & Improvement Candidates) Examination Time table
Class Representatives of B.Tech for the academic year 2014-15
Principal nominated members to the SAC for the academic year 2014-15
List of Faculty Members nominated as advisors for various clubs for the academic year 2014-15
Notification for Office Bearers of Student Council for the academic year 2014-15
II Semester University Regular Examination Timetable
SAC Notification
MBA II Semester II Mid Examinations
M.Tech I Year II Sem Fee Notification
M.Tech. II-Semester II Mid Examination Time table
Exercising Options for Open Elective by the Students II Year B.Tech E&I/CSE/IT Branches
II/IV and III/IV B.Tech. I-Semester University Supplimentary Examination Timetable
Revised Examination Timetable of II/IV B.Tech. I-Semester(All Branches) Examination Scheduled on 14.06.2014
2 nd year B.Tech (Supply) I-Semester Practical Time Table
3 year B.Tech (Supply) I-Semester Practical Time Table
4 th year B.Tech (Supply) I-Semester Practical Time Table
B.Tech. I Year Annual examinations Revised TimeTable
B.Tech II Year II Sem Revised Univ.Examination TimeTable
B.Tech IV/IV I Sem. Supply Examination TimeTable
MCA II Year II Sem Revised Univ. Exam TimeTable.
B.Tech I year III Mid Examinations Timetable.
M.B.A II Semester(Regular)Examination Fee Notification.
MBA I-Semester End Semester Exam Timetable
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