- The Borrower must carry the Identity – Card with him/her to get the books issued /returned/renewal.
- Sign in the VISITOR REGISTER before enter into the library.
- Readers should observe strict silence and switch off their Mobile phones in the Library premises .
- The Borrower is not permitted to use other’s Identity Cards.
- The loss of ID card should be immediately reported to the college Library, office so that a duplicate card may be issued.
- Four Books will be issued to UG students and 5 Books to PG students for a period of 21 days.
- A fine at the rate of one rupee per day will be charged if the book is not returned on the due Date.
- The members cannot get issued more than one book of same kind.
- Members are responsible for the books borrowed against their library card.
- Only one Note book / loose sheets are allowed into library.
- Members are requested to check the condition of the book before getting issued. Any damage found in the books taken
out for reading or borrowing should be brought to the notice of the Library staff on duty before getting issued.
- Loss of any borrowed book must be reported immediately to the Librarian/Library Staff. The member must replace lost book /
pay the cost of the latest edition of the lost book along with overdue charges, if any.
- Reference books will not be issued.
- Recall of Books is at discretion of librarian.
- Bags, personal belongings and books borrowed from other libraries are not allowed inside the library. These must be kept at the property counter at reader’s own risk.
- Library does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property left on its premises.
- While leaving the library, members are required to show their files, file covers, books etc. to the Library Staff on duty at the check – point.
- Eating and sleeping are not allowed in the Library.
- The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff.
- No book shall be returned on the day of issue.
- While leaving the library user should ensure that they carry only those books that are duly issued on their names, otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them. User must check the Accession Number of the book issued by his / her name with the printed borrower's slip before leaving the circulation counter. No objection will be considered afterwards.
- Users are responsible for complying with the copyright act while photocopying library document.
- An outgoing member should return the library identity card and all the documents outstanding against his/her name along with his outstanding delay fine if any.
- Improper use of library facilities by a member will lead to the suspension of termination of his/her membership.