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Dr. K.Venumadhav

Professor of ECIE,

Dean, Academic Affairs

Dr. P.Prabhakar Rao

Associate Professor of ME,

Academic Affairs(UG)

Dr. R.Srikanth

Assistant Professor of ECE,

Academic Affairs(PG)

Dr. R.Ramesh

Assistant Professor of MHS,

Over-all Time Tables

Objective of Dean, Academic Affairs Office

Academic Planner: Preparation of Almanac for UG and PG Programmes.
Preparation of classwork timetables for all the classes.
Oversee the Teaching Learning (TL) Process.
Preparation of detention lists.
Preparation of Scheme, Syllabi for various UG and PG Programmes as per the model curriculum issued by AICTE,
New Delhi. Revise syllabi of various courses based on input from stake holders.
Preparation of Academic Rules and Regulations for various UG and PG Programmes.
Constitution of Joint Board of Studies (JBOS), conduct meetings.
Constitution of BoS for various departments.
Conduction of Academic Council Meetings and Preparation of Minutes of Meetings.
Conduction of Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) Meetings and Preparation of Minutes of Meetings.
Conduction of admission process for B. Tech I-Semester, III-Semester (Lateral Entry), M. Tech and MBA programmes.
Preparation of Student list for UG and PG Programmes.
Conduct Course exit, stake holder and student Satisfaction surveys prepare actions to be taken reports (ATTRs) and Action
Taken Reports (ATRs).
Students' feedback: Collection, Analysis, Actions to be taken.


Name of the Employee


Sri T. Venu Gopal Rao
Office Superintendent
Academic Section


Sri K. Anirudh
Junior Assistant
Academic Section


Sri G. Suresh
Junior Assistant
Academic Section


Sri Ch. Varun
Junior Assistant
Academic Section


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